Powerful conversational CNC retrofit system for knee and bed mills
From the moment you power up your MILLPWRG2® system, you’ll know it was built with convenience in mind. From the exceptional clarity of a large full-color LCD display to the added advantage of full 3D contouring capabilities and menu-prompted conversational programming, essential functions are only a key stroke away. Use MILLPWRG2 as a full function digital readout system, a programmable CNC control or both. It’s powerful enough to handle any job and easy enough for anyone to operate. No prior programming experience necessary.
Millpower system G2
Price may vary based on unit retrofited. Price does not include installation or additional accessories. See the price list for the price details on a retrofit for your mill brand and model.
Bennett Machines Is a qualified distributor of Acu-Rite readouts and Control Systems. The Acu-rite Mill-Power G2 is an advanced Acu-rite CNC control system compatible with most modern milling machines. Powerful yet easy to operate CNC retrofit systems for knee mills and bed mills. Faster set-ups, shorter run times and a major boost in productivity are just one “powerful easy” retrofit away. The new Acu-Rite MILLPWRG2 control and retrofit kits can turn just about any knee mill into a powerhouse money-maker. Here at Bennett Machine we sell new Jet Milling-machines with the MILLPWRG2 Package pre-installed and ready to go with a two year warranty. We can also retrofit an existing milling-machine with the MILLPWR G2 system anywhere in the regional south-east. Contact us for installation estimates.